Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Widespread Sympathy for UW Custodians.

We only took a few fliers to the pedestrian overpass yesterday since campus is generally deserted during the winter break. But almost everyone who walked by took a flier and we ran out fast. People seem to find it very easy to understand the custodians plight. Some of those who stopped told us their own bad experiences as members of the work force at the UW.  Custodians aren't the only ones with issues. Stay tuned.  [Ya I know, there's a light bulb on in the middle of the day ;)]

Sunday, December 28, 2014

UW Harassing and Firing Custodians

The University of Washington has been systematically targeting it’s predominantly immigrant custodial workforce, especially older workers, activists or anyone who speaks up. Another Custodian, age 61, an outspoken activist, has been placed on administrative leave and threatened with firing for unclear reasons.

UW Custodians are working under a heavy load of short staffing and extended runs. This is coupled with a bloated management and an accompanying increase in harassment and bullying.  Anyone who has spent time on campus knows there are buildings which are not being cleaned on a regular schedule.  This is not the fault of custodians who are experiencing increased injuries as they rush between tasks attempting to complete as much as they can in an 8 hour day.

The custodian currently under heavy fire happens to be management's most vocal critic. In fact, he is an ex-journalist who periodically publishes his observations and investigations of the custodial department in a personal newsletter. The day before Thanksgiving, he was handed a letter placing him on paid administrative leave, but not told what he was being charged with. A full month later, on Dec. 16th, he was called in to answer questions about his newsletter. He is still on paid administrative leave as of this printing, but has still not yet been told of any specific charges. Based on previous UW practice we expect any forthcoming charges to be vague and minor at best with no cause to fire him.

The biggest irony of this case is that by all accounts, the custodian in question is one of the most hard working and productive custodians in the department. Those of us supporting him will continue to hold vigils and speak out on campus. We will not rest until his job is secured and Custodial Services (renamed Building Services) learns to treat it’s employees with respect.

For updates see this personal Blog:
For info please call Doug: (206) 850-1283 or Paula: (206) 841-2789.

[An upcoming rally will be sponsored WFSE 1488 -stay tuned]

Contact:  underthepurplerug at